My Neato Cool Multi-Color Sweater. I made this sweater last year, using every color yarn imaginable. And just to make it doubly colorful, it's knit with two strands of yarn at the same time! I had no pattern... and when I finished with it it didn't fit. There was just no way I was going to unravel the entire sweater, and that was the only way I could think of to fix it. So it sat in my closet for awhile, and every so often I'd pull it down from the shelf and look at it just because I think it's such a neat sweater.
Today, though, I finally just decided to list it on Etsy and see what happens. There's a LOT of yarn and a LOT of time invested in this, so it's listed for $90.
Did you know that Red Lobster is having their Endless Shrimp special? Apparently, endless shrimp for me means three helpings. I thought I could do better, but the salad was so good, and the iced tea, and those yummy cheesy biscuits they serve, and the baked potato... and, well, all I could manage was three helpings. Oh well. It's probably better that I didn't eat myself into a food coma.
Went to the movies today for the first time in a long time. Most of the time it's just DVDs from the local video store -- with the $14/month plan for unlimited rentals, how can you go wrong? But there's a new movie that seemed "theater-worthy" -- Flyboys. It was okay. A bit too romanticized, but I expected that was going to happen as soon as the music began playing.
Almost time for one of my favorite TV shows -- Numbers. Yeah, so I like the geeky guy. Those geeky, nerdy guys always have a certain appeal. Like Monk. He's my hero. :)