The Christmas rush is over (sadly), and I'm busy coming up with new ideas for more Captioned Critters, more Understated Greetings, and all sorts of other things. I have lots of new beadweaving that'll be showing up in my shop over the course of the next few weeks. I also have bunches of vintage/retro jewelry from my grandmother (Mamaw). She had such a huge stash of jewelry, and I barely wear any at all, so I'm passing it along to Etsyians who'll appreciate it.
Anyway, once again I'm sending out an extra thanks to the other Etsy shop owners who purchased from me during the past week!
First was Stephanie (aka scaywood). I checked out Stephanie's shop and found the cutest bunch of earrings, rings, bobby pins, and other stuff. There are lots and lots of colors, and there's a good variety to choose from, but I really like these Fire Rose earrings. What gorgeous color!
The tagline in Amy's (aka SugarPressStudios) Etsy shop says "Home of Sweet*Dainty*Things," and the shop certainly lives up to that claim! Her shop's only been open for a month, but she has such cute things in there, and lots of vintage, that I'm sure she'll do well. Etsyians love vintage! Personally, I love this Nesting Cone! How could you resist that little bluebird?!?
Pam (aka blacksheepdesigns) is a wonderful repeat customer! I have no idea how she copes with the number of orders she receives from her two shops. She's also the curator of blacksheepbeads, a shop with more than 11,000 items sold!!! I'm completely in awe of that number of sales, as I know just how much work has gone into my [meager] 1800+ sales; and I'm also in awe of the gorgeous vintage beads she has in that shop. Pam has an incredible selection of earrings in her Designs shop, and she's even having a 20% off sale through the end of the year. It was tough, but I think my favorites are these Periwinkle Day Lily earrings. I really love the detail in the flower petals.
Remember Julia (aka schmoomunitions)? She's the one who suggested a new Captioned Critter for me -- the tamandua. I created a set of mini cards using her suggestion, and she came back to buy them! If you read Julia's profile, you'll see that she looooooooooves animals. Particularly cats. Myself? I like cats, but I'm severely allergic to them; so I have to resist the urge to pet them and just be content with drawing them. Julia has this fun purse in her shop, and it features a block print she made of her cat, Schmoo (doesn't that sound like 'achoo'?).
Happy New Year!!!!
Anyone have any New Year's resolutions? Hmmmmmmm??????