Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The yard's looking better. It should, with all the work that's been done out there over the past couple of days. My husband's uncle, who doesn't have a house of his own any more, said that he missed doing yardwork and volunteered to help with ours. Little did he know...

Thinking that we might be able to get some mulch down to help keep the weeds to a more manageable level, 15 cubic yards of the stuff were dumped in our driveway. Sadly, we spent so much time pruning bushes and trees and eliminating even more of them, that we never managed to get around to spreading any of the mulch.

Two full days of work in the yard... that equals at least 20 bushes eliminated (which also included digging out the roots), 25 trees and/or shrubs pruned, a big pile of perennials dug up for future transplantation, and a lot of weeds pulled.

The result so far? Take a look at that pile of debris. For reference, the fence is 8' tall...


1 comment:

IndieCEO / GalleriaLinda said...

Oh my aching back! That is quite a pile and thinking of all the work it took to make it!
