Friday, August 01, 2008

Etsy Friday. I'm not really sure how it got started, but there are lots of Etsy sellers (and buyers) who do something special on Fridays. I'm not one of those people who can commit to having something special every Friday, but I thought for this week I'd offer up some thanks to a few people.

These nice Etsy people featured some of my creations in their treasuries. I love going through the Treasury and Treasury West and finding that little gold star!

Check out the slideshow I put together with a favorite item from each of these shops. Click the names to see the item up close and have a visit to the shop.

Seriously! As I was going through all these shops I found some INCREDIBLE bargains!!!


Unknown said...

Thank you for the mention MaryLou!!! :-) and I love the slideshow!

:-) MaryLou said...

You're so welcome, Triz! I thought the slideshow might be something fun for a change. :-)

Jean Hutter said...

MaryLou thanks so much for the mention in your blog - I just got home from a long weekend and I shouldn't even be on the computer!!! That BubleShare group of photos is really great!